Sources and Informative Links
Powerful video by Emily Hamilton titled, “Thelma Johnson Streat - How to Fight Prejudice with a Paintbrush”
Actor Vincent Price owned the Little Gallery in Beverly Hills and mentions Streat in an interview with the Smithsonian. Click here to read the Vincent Price Interview
Ms. Streat knew and visited former first lady Eleanor Roosevelt. Ms. Roosevelt mentions a 1951 visit from Ms. Streat in her daily journal. Click Eleanor Roosevelt visit the site.
Ms. Streat worked with Diego Rivera on the Pan American Unity mural in San Francisco. Click here to see the Pan American Unity mural
The Skanner newspaper article on Streat's mural as part of the NMAAHC's permanent collection. (October 2016)
The Black Artists of Oregon exhibition captures the Black Experience unique to the Pacific Northwest and showcases 69 artists and 200+ objects. Artists included in the exhibition: Thelma Johnson Streat, Al Goldsby, Charlotte Lewis, Isaka Shamsud-Din, Ralph Chessé, Charles Tatum, Arvie Smith, Shedrich Williames, Harrison Branch, Bobby Fouther, and Carrie Mae Weems, among others.
FACEBOOK -- https://www.facebook.com/thelma.streat/
SmartHistory video on GIRL WITH BIRD
Modern Women: Women Artists at the Museum of Modern Art
Museum of Modern Art(MoMA), New York, 2010, 528 pages.
Afro-American Artists: A Bio-Bibliographical Directory
Trustees of the Boston Public Library, Boston, 1973. p. 270.
250 Years of Afro-American Art: An Annotated Bibliography
By Lynn Moody Igoe
R.R. Bowker Company, New York, 1981, P 1127
African-American Art
Sharon F. Patton
Oxford University Press, 1998, New York, p. 161
Oregon Painters: The First Hundred Years, 1859-1959
Ginny Allen & Jody Klevit
Oregon Historical Society, 1999, Oregon
Dictionary Catalog of the Dance Collection.
The New York Public Library. Volume 9. 1974. p. 6129
Museum of Modern Art: Library Inventory List, Part iv. (S-Z).
1984. p. 318.
Abstract Expressionism: Other Politics
by Ann Eden Gibson
Yale University Press, 1999
Reference Library of Black America. Volume 4.
New York University, 1971. p. 93.
The Negro Almanac: A Reference Work on the African-American.
Edited & compiled by Harry A. Ploski and James Williams
The Black Artist. p. 1076.
The Negro Handbook
Editors of Ebony.
Johnson Publishing Co., Chicago, 1966. p. 355.
Who Was Who In American Art, 1898-1947.
Edited by Peter Hastings Falk
Sound View Press, Connecticut, 1985. p. 602.
Letter to Marian Anderson (dated Dec. 19, 1938). Special Collections (Marian Anderson archives), Van Pelt-Dietrich Library, University of Pennsylvania.
Photographs, personal applications and letters of reference. The Harmon Collection (The Harmon Foundation). National Archives.
"African-American Abstraction, ' an Exploration," The New York Times. Jun 28, 1991.
"Treasures from Reed's Collection," Reed College Magazine. By Aaron Jones. Reed College, Portland, May 1998.
"Art and Artists: Thelma Johnson Streat at S.F. Museum of Art," Oakland Tribune. March 17, 1946.
"Artist Dancer Will Appear," Honolulu Sun Advertiser. Feb. 8, 1948.
"The Londoner's Diary: Two Yellow Moons," Evening Standard. March 7, 1950.
The News That's Going Around, The Irish Press. May 6, 1950.
" 'Children's City' Plan of Artist-Author Pair," Santa Barbara News Press. May 31, 1953.
"Couple from Hawaii Show Folklore Paintings, Curios," Bellingham Herald. May 16, 1958.
"Hills Folklore Collected By Husband-Wife Team," Rapid City, S.D. Daily Journal. June 18, 1958.
"Visiting Hawaii Child Welfare Leaders See Folklore as Link for All Children," Sioux City Sentinel. Sept. 18, 1958. A-3.
Obituary--Mrs. John Edgar. Oregon Journal. May 14, 1959. p. 11.
Obituary--Famed Painter-Dancer Dies After Heart Attack. The Oregonian. May 24, 1959.
"Famed Painter-Dancer is Eulogized in Los Angeles," Baltimore Afro-American. Jun. 6, 1959. p. 15
Landscape Artists Art / Women / California, 1950-2000: Parallels and Intersections, edited by Diana Burgess Fuller and Daniela Salvioni. Berkeley, CA: University of California Press/San Jose Museum of Art, 2002, 388 pp.
Seeing Through Theory: Intention, Identity and Agency in the wake of Abstract Expressionism
Ann Eden Gibson, University of Chicago Press, 2008
Feature article on Ms. Streat, American Art magazine. By Dr. Judith Bullington. Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC, Summer 2005. Comprehensive article on Ms. Streat, her life and work.
Seattle Times article (October 2016)
The Skanner article (2016)
The Thelma Johnson Streat Project exists to honor the legacy of Ms. Streat and her lifelong passion for using the arts to promote unity and tolerance among all people.
© 2021- 2025 by Thelma Johnson Streat. All rights reserved.